Viet Hoa Appleton LLC purchased 66,947 square feet of space at 8340 W. Appleton Ave., Milwaukee, from NW-Hohls Market LLC.
Daniel A. Manesis Transportation Inc. purchased 22,500 square feet of space at 7330 S. 1st St., Oak Creek, from C&E Properties.
J&L Associates LLC purchased 1.24 acres of land at 8020 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, from Rushan Sinani.
Dickman Company
A developer purchased a 149,624-square-foot building at 2761 Buell Dr., East Tory, from Anchor Bank. The building will be leased to AptarGroup Inc.
Judson & Associates
Oconomowoc Holdings LLC purchased a 12,541-square-foot building at 105 E. Wisconsin Ave., Oconomowoc, from John M. Wirth.