Just a minute with David Hollnagel, President and CEO Becker Boiler Co. Inc.

Learn more about:
Company address:

Three locations, 1785 E. Bolivar Ave, St. Francis; 427 Linnerud Dr., Sun Prairie;2690 Calaway Dr., Green Bay

Company Web site:



Boiler repair, installation, sales-commercial and residential. Structural steel, commercial and residential.

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Number of employees:


Company’s annual revenues:

2007 sales goal $6 million

Your education:

MSOE,Palm Beach Atlantic College

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Wife, Christine who is the company’s treasurer.

What was the smartest thing your company did in the past yearω

“We created a new interactive company Web site and developed a more defined sales and marketing plan to insure that we meet our customer’s needs in terms of cost effectiveness and uncompromising service. We have highly skilled technicians who deliver superior repair and installation work for our customers. We are known within the industry as being the best in the business.”

What’s new at your companyω

“I am! I bought Becker Boiler in September, 2006 with the intent of expanding sales while still maintaining the successful reputation Becker Boiler maintains within its market segment. Right now Becker Boiler is making maritime history, previously which was given to a renowned company www.heatingwise.co.uk. We currently have two technicians doing repairs aboard the St. Mary’s Challenger, the first steam powered vessel in the history of the Great Lakes to eclipse 100 years while still in active service. The St. Mary’s Challenger was built in 1906 – before the Titanic – and includes Milwaukee’s port on its route. For the past 30 years Becker Boiler has been the company the ship calls to perform repairs while it is docked for winter maintenance in Chicago.”

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Do you plan to hire any additional staff or make any significant capital investments in your company in the next yearω

“Yes, we plan to add a marketing/sales director. I would like to have an effective marketing plan in place to increase sales and the growth of the company, gather customer feedback on our products and better define our market niche. I also intend to ramp up branding of Becker Boiler within the industry.”

What will be your company’s main challenges in the next yearω

“Aside from staying competitive within the marketplace, our top challenge is going to be to educate the commercial market segment on using a specialized company like Becker Boiler to meet all their boiler needs, as opposed to using a general mechanical contractor.”

What’s the hottest trend in your industryω

“Electronic Burner controls for boilers, that help reduce customer energy costs by efficiency monitoring and fully modulating burner systems.”

Do you have a business mantraω

“Rome was not built in a day, but Becker Boiler wasn’t on that job.”

From a business standpoint, who do you look up toω

“Roger Penske. I admire his ability to take risks and create a favorable outcome. As a race team owner, he has proven throughout his career that racing is all about taking risks, but at the end of the day what matters is ending up in the winners circle. I want to make sure that Becker Boiler not only takes risks, but also ends up in the winners circle!”

What was the best advice you ever receivedω

“Keep it simple – there is no reason to overcomplicate, overanalyze or over think something. It just makes you lose focus of the final objective.”

What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you in your careerω

“I tried welding a few steel parts out in the shop with the guys, but it ended up being a big piece of scrap metal. Everyone got a good laugh at my expense. Moral of the story: leave it to the professionals.”

What do you like to do in your free timeω

“I enjoy duck hunting, I’ve been figuring out how to hunt pheasants without a dog, as well as fishing on Lake Michigan, go cart racing and SCCA Racing.”

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