Women and Girls Fund achieves fundraising goal

The Women and Girls Fund of Waukesha County has achieved its multi-year endowment fund goal of raising $1million by the end of 2009.
"Achieving this goal is a key accomplishment for the Waukesha County community as well as the Women and Girls Fund," said Dave Schultz, president of the Waukesha County Community Foundation. "Emerging from the tough fundraising environment of 2009 with a win of this level will make a difference in 2010 for programs that help women and girls."
The Women and Girls Fund annually awards grants to non-profit organizations with programs that support women and girls in Waukesha County. Since 2005, 64 grants have been awarded to 36 county-wide non-profit organizations.
"We had a choice in this economic downturn.  We could push to make our goal, or conclude that it was impossible in this year of cutbacks," said Kay Lettenberger, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Women and Girls Fund of Waukesha County. "We believed that now it was more important than ever that we reach the $1 million endowment goal to fund essential programs for women and girls in our communities. We did it with the help of many generous donors and volunteers who believe in our mission, and we will continue to build the Women and Girls Fund for years to come."
Grants are awarded for programs that offer education, arts and cultural opportunities, or health and human services. Grant requests for the next round of grants are due at the Waukesha County Community Foundation by March 1.

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