Julie Bissonnette
executive director, Newcastle Place
“Today’s young professionals prefer not to be categorized as ‘millennials.’ They are motivated, hardworking and strive for the ideal work/life balance. I am constantly gaining knowledge about technology efficiencies from our younger team members. Their knowledge of evolving trends and digital enhancements is valued in our industry.”
Howard Snyder
executive director, Northwest Side Community Development Corp.
“I’ve worked with people older and younger than I am—lately, a lot younger. Today’s NWSCDC staff is young, but just as smart as any other group I’ve had. If you treat them like kids, they’ll make kid mistakes. If you treat and coach them like professionals, performance is high-quality.”
Mike Kollmansberger
board chairman, Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors
“Younger staffers encourage you to consider different ways of doing business. Instead of using the same old methods, their fresh perspective makes you think outside the box and consider new techniques. When you’re continuously evaluating how things could be done differently, it keeps you sharp.”
Chad Dillavou
director of global distribution development & technology, Rite-Hite Co. LLC
“Interacting with our millennial employees, specifically through our sales training program, gives me valuable insights into their communication patterns and work style. It has definitely made me understand the importance of digital communication technology and the need to integrate it into our process and practices.”
Ted Salgado
co-founder and principal, Reserve Advisors Inc.
“Our younger staff at Reserve Advisors has an incredible group ethic of enthusiasm for volunteering and community service in and outside the office. We find their commitment to service inspiring, energizing and something for every generation to emulate.”