Set against a backdrop of bad blood and corporate greed, “We Are Market Basket” chronicles the epic rise, fall and redemption of a popular New England supermarket chain.
After the longtime chief executive officer of Market Basket, Arthur T. Demoulas, was ousted by his cousin, the company’s managers and rank-and-file workers decided to strike back. At huge protest rallies, they were joined by loyal customers, leaving stores empty. Suppliers and vendors stopped delivering and politicians were forced to take sides.
The national media and experts were stunned by the unprecedented defense of an executive, which forced the Market Basket board of directors to make things right.
With firsthand accounts from the streets and executive suites, authors Daniel Korschun and Grant Welker look at how a company’s culture made it possible to prioritize its stakeholders over its shareholders.
“We Are Market Basket” is available for $19.96 at