The Starr Group
5005 W. Loomis Road, Greenfield •
Year Founded: 1956
Product or Service Offered: Improving the risk wellness of our business and personal customers of commercial insurance, group benefits, and auto and home insurance. In addition, we provide continuing legal education to lawyers and law firms.
President & CEO: Tim Starr
Executive Vice President: Mary Starr
Target Clientele: Technology firms, law firms, health care, contractors, non-profits, manufacturing firms.
Business Organization Memberships: PIA, IIAW, WELCOA, NAHU, WAHU, Marsh Berry & Associates, WELCOA, NAHU, WAHU, South Suburban Chamber of Commerce, MMAC, NARI

What has fueled your company’s growth?
“Our employee team is definitely our competitive differentiator. They have allowed our agency to set and attain some pretty significant goals. The fact that we have focused on building a culture by design rather than default has been critical. Our culture emphasizes total well-being; that has been significant to our overall success. Our employees know we care and they have made that clear in voting us the ‘number one insurance agency to work for in the Midwest’ as per Business Insurance magazine in 2015. Additionally, we have the most stringent educational requirements we are aware of, requiring our personnel to attain significant additional degrees and designations with the objective of being very deep in our abilities to identify and quantify risk and then tie it back to our customers’ KPI’s.”
What is the biggest obstacle to your company’s growth?
“Keeping up with the constantly changing landscape of improvement which includes technology, educational requirements and changing governmental regulations.”
Do you plan to make any changes to your company?
“Continue to grow organically wherein a central vision is shared and pursued by our teammates, culminating into a relationship that improves the risk wellness of our customers.”
Who are the business people you admire and why?
“Those sharing their research and results in applying performance metrics and disciplines, like Sean Covey in ‘4DX- the Four Disciplines of Execution.’”
What is the outlook for your industry?
“Highly competitive in commercial and personal auto and home. Group benefits is all about applying risk management principles for the first time in its history. Businesses learned to apply risk management to commercial insurance years ago and they are just now realizing and learning those principles can be applied to group benefits, with results altering the continual year after year rate increases. The winners will be those companies that sincerely apply the necessary resources combined with the resources and guidance of benefit agencies that have the knowledge and resources to help.”
What is your company’s most important growth strategy?
“Adding quality personnel to continue applying the ‘Improvement of Risk Wellness’ to our customers.”