The Bubbler Calendar

Upcoming networking opportunities you should know about

Wednesday Nov. 12, Biztimes Milwaukee Launch Party, Come enjoy beverages and Hors d’ oeuvres at the Historic Pritzloff Building on corner of Second St. and St. Paul. Reception is at 4:30 p.m. with the launch to follow at 6:00 p.m. to register visit

Friday Nov. 14, BizTimes Commercial Real Estate & Development Conference, Italian Community Center, 631 E. Chicago St. For more information, visit

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Wednesday Nov. 19, WWBIC 2008 Annual Luncheon, at the Hyatt Regency, Milwaukee, 333 W. Kilbourn Ave. WWBIC Client Trade Show – 11 a.m. to noon, followed by the luncheon, noon to 1:30 p.m. Cost to attend is $50 per individual or $600 for a corporate table of eight. RSVP   

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