Spirit Airlines to add nonstop service from Milwaukee to Myrtle Beach

Airline's ninth nonstop destination from MKE

Spirit Airlines will launch nonstop service between Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina this summer.

Beginning May 27, the weekly seasonal service will be offered Fridays and Mondays; it will expand to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays beginning June 17. The service will run through Labor Day weekend.

Myrtle Beach is Spirit’s ninth nonstop destination from Milwaukee. The airline launched its local service in June 2021, with daily nonstop flights from Milwaukee to Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Orlando, later adding Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Tampa, Phoenix, and Cancun.

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Currently, Spirit is the the only airline offering nonstop service between Milwaukee and Myrtle Beach. United Airlines temporarily serviced the destination last summer.

“These new flights are a fast and reliable way to enjoy a family vacation along the Atlantic seaboard,” said Airport Director Brian Dranzik. “With the addition of Myrtle Beach, it’s clear that Spirit is responding to customer demand from Milwaukee. The more we all start and end our trips at MKE, the more air service we will see in the months and years to come.”

According to the latest data available, passenger traffic at Mitchell International declined in December, but the airport ended last year with more than 4.5 million passengers, a 72% increase from 2020.

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As traffic at the airport has improved, since the onset of the pandemic, several airlines have added new service at Mitchell International, primarily on leisure destinations. In 2021, four airlines announced plans to enter the Milwaukee market: Contour Airlines, JetBlue, Spirit and Sun Country.

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