A private K-8 school known as the Christian Education Leadership Academy is under proposal in the city of Pewaukee with Waukesha-based Siepmann Realty Corporation serving as developer.
The nondenominational school, overseen by a nonprofit group also named CELA, would be housed in a 160,000-square-foot space along Ryan Street and Lynndale Road, just north of Highway 16, according to John Siepmann, vice president of Siepmann Realty Corporation, which is also acting as spokesman for the project.
With a capacity to serve about 300 students in the region, the school facility would feature two stories, two to three classrooms per grade and a chapel doubling as an auditorium.
Plans for the project, which was previously proposed and rejected in Delafield, were reviewed at a plan commission meeting in Pewaukee Thursday night. The plan commission approved plans for the school’s operation and construction as well as rezoning plans in which six acres in the town of Lisbon will be annexed to the city of Pewaukee for the school site.
Milwaukee-based Plunkett Raysich Architects is serving as project architect. The firm hopes to break ground on the school this spring and open its doors for the start of the 2015 school year.
“The goal is to break ground as soon as possible,” said Nick Kent, project manager at Plunkett Raysich Architects.
The private school will be up for review at a Feb. 3 Common Council meeting in Pewaukee.
“We’re really at the very early stages of this,” Siepmann said.
The nonprofit CELA is headed by Brian Nahey, chief executive officer of Pewaukee-based Venturedyne Ltd., and his wife, Nancy. While the couple conceived the idea for the school, Siepmann Realty is leading the proposal of it, according to Siepmann.