The Franchise: Omaha, Nebraska-based IKOR is a life care management company that specializes in helping seniors and those with disabilities through patient advocacy and financial management. The company has 66 operating territories in 23 states.
October 2016
After 12 years in a corporate role, Rita Collins, a former business owner, begins exploring opportunities to own her own business again. Collins works with a franchise broker, who identifies six potential franchises for her, including IKOR.
“I wanted to be in a role that can make a difference in people’s lives and in the quality of life that they’re living,” Collins said.
January 2017
Having personally experienced the challenge of navigating the health care system while caring for family members, Collins is drawn to IKOR’s mission. She decides to pursue opening her own IKOR location.
“I’ve known what it’s like to not know where to turn, when facing a life-changing event, not knowing where to turn and who to go to. IKOR can help be that one point to direct people to the right place,” Collins said.
March 2017
After traveling to Pennsylvania, where IKOR’s headquarters was located at the time, for a “discovery day,” Collins signs her franchisee agreement with IKOR to open a Milwaukee-area location.
“We don’t do the hands-on care, but we act as what I like to say is a general contractor,” Collins said. “If someone needs home health care, I will vet different home health care agencies. I don’t take referral fees, so I look for what’s in the best interest of the client.”
June 2017
Collins hires a full-time nurse – her only employee – and opens an IKOR office at 1025 W. Glen Oaks Lane in Mequon.
January 2018
Collins says she is seeking clients for whom she can advocate.
She has been raising awareness of IKOR’s services by reaching out to financial planners, elder law attorneys, and senior centers and Aging & Disability Resource Centers in the region.
The franchise fee
The fee to open an IKOR office is $35,000.