Is rest the key to getting more done at work? Silicon Valley consultant Alex Soojung-Kim Pang argues workers can be more successful in all areas of their lives by recognizing the importance of rest. Working better does not mean working more, it means working less and resting better, Pang says.
For most of us, overwork is the new normal and rest is an afterthought, with busy lives leading to late-night TV binges and hours spent trawling the Internet. Treating rest as a passive activity secondary to work undermines our chances for a rewarding and meaningful life. Whether that means making space for daily naps, as Winston Churchill did during World War II; going on hours-long strolls like Charles Darwin; or spending a week alone in a cabin like Bill Gates, pursuing what Pang calls deliberate rest is the true key to fulfillment and creative success.
“Rest” is available at for $22.