president, VJS Construction Services
Title: President
Company: VJS Construction Services Inc.
Education: Bachelor’s degree in construction engineering from Iowa State University
Family: Married with three children
City of Residence: Delafield
Hobbies and Interests: Golf and coaching basketball.
What are you working on? "I’m working on running a $110 million-plus company."
How does the market look to you? "Excluding residential, the balance of the market looks relatively strong. I am hoping things begin to open up along the Park East corridor to generate more projects."
What was the best deal you’ve ever been involved in? "We are finishing up a major renovation project for Foley & Lardner in the U.S. Bank Tower. Over 100 firms competed for this project, and I was very proud when VJS was selected."
What was the funniest moment of your career? "Trying to explain to my future wife that VJS was not a jewelry store. We were formerly known as Voss Jorgensen Schueler and she kept thinking we were Voss Jorgensen Jewelers."