Patrick Lencioni
Founder, The Table Group
TEC Midwest recently hosted its Inspirational Leadership 2017 conference at the Hyatt Regency in Milwaukee. The keynote speaker was Patrick Lencioni, founder of The Table Group and author of 10 books on leadership and organizational health that have sold nearly 5 million copies.
“You have to build a cohesive leadership team. You have to make sure there’s a team at the top.”
“The very best organizations in the world are the ones that embrace the simplest things and stick with them.”
“There’s three biases that really prevent people from embracing organizational health. The first one is what we call a sophistication bias. It’s not complicated, it’s just hard. You’ve got to embrace the really simple thing. The second bias is what we call the adrenaline bias, where people are just so frantic and working so hard and I say, ‘You need to step back a little bit and take a look at this.’ The last bias is what we call the measuring bias or quantification bias. Some people say, ‘I like this, but I need to know exactly what my ROI is.’”
“Most leaders are under-communicators. Why? Because they hate redundancy. Great leaders, great parents, great spouses are constantly reinforcing what matters. Great organizations do that.”
“You have to create clarity. You have to make sure that you’re not only behaviorally aligned, but you’re also intellectually aligned.”
“I have yet to go into an organization, sit down with the executive team, and leave and say, ‘They’re just too dumb. They just don’t know enough about their business. They don’t have the intellectual capacity or domain expertise to make this work.’ Every organization I go to, people know more than enough about their business. … But what I find is that they’re not tapping into it because of dysfunction. Your health is the multiplier of dysfunction.”