Shaba Martinez, instructional technology and innovation specialist at the United Community Center, has abundantly demonstrated her commitment to a successful school, according to Laura Gutierrez, executive director of UCC.
“Having classroom experience and knowing the impact library media centers and technology can have on classroom instruction has been key to her success,” Gutierrez said. “The most impressive example became evident this school year.”
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, education leaders needed to adapt to non-traditional learning for students to continue their progress and not miss out on critical learning years.
“Shaba single-handedly managed all learning structures for the United Community Center schools to offer a hybrid platform of learning,” Gutierrez said.
This involved collaboration to purchase equipment such as Chromebooks for students, provide stable internet access for students’ homes, and offer engaging instruction by teachers. Martinez also handled communication to parents regarding the learning platforms, safety plan and arrival/dismissal procedures.