*Saturday, Oct. 13, Milwaukee Empty Bowls will hold its 14th Annual Milwaukee Empty Bowls event at MATC-Oak Creek Campus, 6665 S. Howell Avenue in Oak Creek, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will feature live music from local musicians and soups made by more than 50 area chefs. Attendees will also be able to select a ceramic bowl to take home “as a reminder that there are always empty bowls in our community.” More than 2,000 bowls handmade and donated by artists, teachers and students will be available for guests to take. Participants do not need to register for the event, but a minimum donation of $20 is suggested. Event proceeds will support several local nonprofit organizations including the Agape Community Center and St. Catherin’s Food Pantry. For more information, visit http://www.milwaukeeemptybowls.org/.
*Saturday, Oct. 13, Milwaukee Harley-Davidson will host the 8th Annual Chili Cook Off from noon to 5 p.m. to benefit the Hunger Task Force. The cook off will be held at Milwaukee Harley-Davidson, 13100 Silver Spring Road in Milwaukee, and will feature chili samples, craft beer tastings, liquor samplings from Great Lakes Distillery, live music, health exams and cooking tips from Revi Wellness, a chili eating competition and awards for the best chilies. More than 2,000 people are expected to attend. Tickets cost $10 and can be purchased at the door or by calling 414-461-4444.
*Saturday, Oct. 13, the “One Minute. One Million.” campaign will conclude. The national charity initiative encourages community members to visit their area Walmart store to take part in a quick demonstration of a Straight Talk Android smartphone. For every individual who participates, Straight Talk will make a $1 donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Straight Talk hopes to raise $1 million through the campaign. For more information or to find store locations, visit http://www.oneminuteonemillion.com/.
*Thursday, Oct. 18, the Association of Fundraising Professionals Southeast Wisconsin Chapter (AFP) and the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (YNPN) are teaming up to hold an educational luncheon on “The Joy of Careers in Philanthropy.” The event will expose attendees to the variety of career opportunities the philanthropic sector has to offer and will include a panel of philanthropic professionals. The event will run from 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Italian Conference Center, 631 E. Chicago Street in Milwaukee. Cost is $25 for AFP members through Friday, Oct. 12, and $30 after; $45 for nonmembers through Friday, Oct. 12, and $50 after; $20 for YNPN members through Friday, Oct. 12, and $25 after. A special Helen Bader rate is also available for $10 through Friday, Oct. 12, and $15 after. For more information or to register, visit http://www.afpmilwaukee.org/.
*Thursday, Oct. 18, through Sunday, Oct. 21, the Milwaukee Ballet will perform La Boheme, known as “the City of Love’s most famous love story.” The ballet production, directed by Michael Pink, is converted from an opera. Each ballet performance will be held at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, 929 N. Water Street in Milwaukee. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit http://www.milwaukeeballet.org/. Attendees can also take advantage of a special meal offering at Kil@wat, 139 E. Kilbourn Avenue #2 in Milwaukee, across the street from the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts. The three-course deal runs Thursday, Oct. 18, through Saturday, Oct. 20. For more information, call 414-291-4787.
*Saturday, Oct. 20, the 26th Annual Friends of the Milwaukee Public Museum Gala, Pirates of the Museum, will be held at the Milwaukee Public Museum, 800 W. Wells Street in Milwaukee. Gala guests will get an exclusive look at the new exhibit, Real Pirates, which does not officially open until December. All proceeds will benefit the museum. For more information about the gala, visit www.mpm.edu/events/gala or call the museum at 414-278-2728.
*Wednesday, Oct. 24, the Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast will host a community information session focused on why women are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. The event will feature a presentation by Dr. Kamla Modi, author of the Girl Scout Research Institute study, “Generation STEM: What Girls Say About Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.” Free and open to the public, the event is scheduled to run from noon to 1 p.m. at the Marion Chester Read Center, 131 S. 69th Street in Milwaukee. For more information, visit http://www.gswise.org/.
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