Milwaukee’s Aerotropolis project moves forward

The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors recently endorsed the Milwaukee Gateway Aerotropolis collaborative planning efforts.
The vote clears the way for Gateway to Milwaukee, a nonprofit organization, to market the unique economic development opportunities available near Milwaukee’s General Mitchell International Airport, which is one of the fastest-growing airports in the nation.
Meanwhile, the Port of Milwaukee was one of only two ports on the Great Lakes that experienced growth in the first quarter of this year.
“I am proud that we are moving forward on crucial economic development and job creation around the airport,” said County Supervisor Chris Larson, one of the lead sponsors of the resolution.  “With this vote, Milwaukee County joins eight other municipalities and business leaders moving forward on the Aerotropolis concept in Milwaukee. Soon, we will have more tools to better court economic development using our low-cost, low-delay and high-growth airport in combination with the growing Port of Milwaukee. This is a prime opportunity for Milwaukee business and economic development teams to show off our competitive prowess. Successfully working together as a region is a precursor to bringing new companies here to take advantage of our low-cost airport infrastructure.”
“I am pleased the Aerotropolis resolution has finally been approved by the County Board.  As I continue to work on the extension of the Lake Parkway in my district, I understand the economic development that can be realized from the airport, the Hoan Bridge and the 794/Lake Parkway transportation corridor,” Supervisor Patricia Jursik said. “Gateway to Milwaukee will bring positive news for the south shore and the larger community.  The redevelopment of the former 440th Airlift Wing property and the widening of College Avenue into a four lane boulevard will continue the positive momentum for my district.”
Tom Rave, executive director of the Milwaukee Airport Gateway Business Association, will discuss the economic development potential of Aerotropolis concept and the future of southeastern Wisconsin’s transportation infrastructure as a panelist at the BizTimes Commercial Real Estate & Development Conference. For more information, visit

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