Mike Natalizio
President, chief executive officer
HNI Risk Services
New Berlin
What does your daily or weekly fitness regime consist of? I do cardio three times per week in addition to regular golf, basketball and water sports.
What fitness clubs do you belong to, if any? The YMCA
Other than the obvious health benefits, how has being fit improved your life? Fitness provides me with the energy to enjoy activities with my family like golf, basketball and watersports.
How does personal fitness affect your work life? Personal fitness provides me with energy and allows me to provide a good example of wellness for our organization.
How does fitness or wellness affect your overall organization? Wellness and fitness affects us financially by reducing our total cost of health care. It also increases emotional wellbeing. Our wellness program has also built comraderie through fun competitions.
What advice do you have for other executives interested in starting either a personal fitness plan or corporate wellness initiative? Start small, make it fun by doing something you enjoy, and celebrate the small successes along the way.
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