Mequon-based VaxPro LLC is offering flu shot clinics for businesses of all sizes throughout the month of November.
Registered nurses administer the shots, and typically there is no cost to the employee or the employer. VaxPro directly bills employers’ medical insurance plans for a preventative flu shot at 100 percent. For uninsured employees, VaxPro accepts direct pay from the business or the employees. In addition, VaxPro can directly bill Medicare for seniors.
According to VaxPro, routine business operations are a breeding ground for the flu, and the flu can easily “devastate” a company under the right circumstances. Research has shown that employers can save substantial money offering vaccinations, and the sooner in the flu season the shots are offered the better.
Flu shot clinics are scheduled September through November. Year-round, VaxPro offers cholesterol screenings, biometric screenings and Hepatitis B vaccinations.
VaxPro, which was founded in 2006, provides its services throughout the Midwest.
For more information or to schedule a clinic, call 262-241-4522 or email Steve Nye at or Lynn Jack at