The Medical College of Wisconsin redox biology program will host the first-ever Cardiovascular Redox Signaling Symposium on Friday at MCW in Wauwatosa.
The symposium will outline new redox biology developments in vascular biology as related to cardiovascular disease. Presentations will be made by speakers conducting groundbreaking cardiovascular research from institutions across the country. More than 200 already have registered for the symposium.
Cardiovascular diseases take more lives annually than cancer and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined, according to the American Heart Association. In the United States, someone dies from a coronary event about every minute, and someone experiences such an event about every 34 seconds. Cardiovascular redox signaling research looks at the modification of molecules involved in cellular signaling pathways of the heart.
Keynote speakers will be Dr. Ivor Benjamin from MCW, Dr. Richard Cohen from Boston University, John Denu, Ph.D., from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Dr. Jay Heinecke from the University of Washington School of Medicine.