Marquette College of Engineering receives $5 million gift

An alumni couple has donated $5 million to the Marquette University College of Engineering to establish an endowed chair in electrical engineering, Opus Dean of Engineering Robert Bishop announced.
V. Clayton and Beverly Lafferty, who now live in Minneapolis, are 1950 graduates of the university’s College of Engineering and College of Arts and Sciences, respectively. Clay Lafferty, 85, grew up in Iowa and spent much of his professional career as the head of research and development at United Parcel Service. He holds several patents and created the hub system used to support the company’s package delivery and logistics business. He also developed the prototype for the smart pad used by the company for tracking and delivery confirmation.
Although raised on the East Coast, three of the Lafferty’s six children attended Marquette and a grandchild also graduated from Marquette.
“We’re proud of our Marquette educations,” Beverly. Lafferty said. “When we were able to begin contributing financially, we agreed education was one priority.”
She said the gifts honor their parents who “didn’t have much money but put a great deal of emphasis on education.”
The Micro Sensors Research Laboratory at Marquette’s new Engineering Hall will be named in honor of the Laffertys.
“Clay and Beverly Lafferty are benefactors who understand the full scope of the college’s mission – research, a strong faculty, student support and a facility that encourages innovation and learning,” said Bishop. “Their gifts touch every facet of the college.”
Bishop said a search for the Lafferty Chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is already underway, with a focus on “a scholar and educator with an international reputation” and expertise in smart sensor systems.

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