Notable Women in Law: Margaret Kurlinski

Shareholder, Godfrey & Kahn S.C.

Margaret “Meg” Kurlinski, a shareholder of Milwaukee-based Godfrey & Kahn S.C., always knew she was going to be an attorney. Today, she is one of the region’s premiere labor and employment attorneys with 15 years in the industry.

“Success in this field requires a knowledge of the law, but also being able to understand personal motivations and concerns,” said Nic Wahl, managing partner of Godfrey & Kahn.

Kurlinski led the firm’s response to the quickly shifting legal and public health landscape of the COVID-19 crisis.

“She not only addressed the immediate needs of her clients, but also helped them strategize for the future and account for various outcomes,” Wahl said.

Her mother, who passed away earlier this summer, fostered Meg’s sense of justice by leading by example in her own career as a social worker, focusing on empowering women and children.

“Observing a strong female mentor has shaped Meg,” said Wahl, “She strives to create long-term, meaningful relationships with the female associates she mentors, and is drawn to community service that directly impacts the lives of women.”

She serves as a board member of Meta House, on the steering committee for Milwaukee Women inc., and is a member of the United Way’s Emerging Leaders Council.