A Manhattan-based marketing agency is opening a Midwest office in Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point neighborhood.
Mungo Creative Group has leased just over 2,000 square feet of space at 196 S. 2nd St. from David Winograd. The company plans to open a six- to seven-person office in the building in early March.

Company founder Glenn Mungo looked at several Midwestern cities, including Chicago and St. Louis before deciding on MIlwaukee.
Mungo executive vice president Maja Stevanovich, who was born and raised in Milwaukee, suggested Mungo visit the city. When he did, Mungo was impressed with what he called a rebirth of the neighborhoods, particularly the Third Ward and Walker’s Point.
“I had an opportunity to see how the economy is developing and everything that is happening with small businesses and startups,” Mungo said. “I liked how Milwaukee still had a small community feel even though it is a major city.”
During his frequent visits to Milwaukee over the last several months, Mungo has stayed at the Iron Horse Hotel. While there, he admired the interior design of the hotel. Mungo learned some of the furniture and decorative pieces were designed by Walker’s Point-based Scathain, so he hired the company to do the same for his building. Madisen Maher is the architect.

“We’re really excited about the space and the city,” Mungo said. “Right now we have three of our senior level team members here, but we are interviewing and hiring and plan to have six to seven people in place.”
In June, Marty Ellery, a Milwaukee public relations and marketing veteran whose experience includes Nelson Schmidt Inc., Cramer Krasselt and Hanson Dodge Creative, joined Mungo Creative.
Ellery will be based in Milwaukee and lead public relations here and in Mungo’s Manhattan and Boston offices.
Mungo was launched in 2015. The firm has 16 employees and is growing, said Mungo, who spent many years in the music industry and is currently a drummer in the Boston-based band Lansdowne.
“My background is music so we were fortunate to sign a lot of record labels and do promotions for events,” Mungo said. “We provide services that are a little outside of the box. We provide a little bit of rock and roll to our corporate clients and structure to our rock and roll clients.”