Jensen clinic – Doctor of last resort

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For many patients, "Dr. Jan" is the doctor of last resort, the doctor they visit when traditional medicine has failed to cure what ails them.
Jan Jensen, a doctor of chiropractic and a licensed acupuncturist, operates the Jensen Health & Energy Center in Wauwatosa, a multidisciplinary natural health care group that provides various homeopathic remedies.
The Jensen Center treats patients on the principle that optimum health can be maintained by balancing the three basic body systems: structure, chemistry and electromagnetic.
The health problems treated by Jensen and her staff include sports injuries, headaches, allergies, joint pain, endometriosis, jaw problems, digestive disturbances, menstrual discomfort and various chronic conditions.
The Jensen Center’s treatments include clinical kinesiology, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and meridian therapy, performance enhancement, massage therapy, craniosacral therapy, rolfing and homeopathy.
Jensen often wishes her patients would come to her to help maintain their health, rather than waiting until it hurts.
"We get both. A lot of people start out with an ‘owie.’ Then, as they get better, they move into the wellness," she said.
As word about Jensen’s homeopathic services has grown throughout southeastern Wisconsin’s business community, she is seeing a rising number of business executives who want to maintain their health and increase their energy levels.
"When you’re in charge of things, you can’t be ailing, so a lot of business people come here," Jensen said. "Business executives, they have to be as mentally sharp as a professional athlete is. And if you fix things now, you’re going to be better off when you’re 60. Why take drugs that are hard on your body if you don’t need them?"
Jensen’s remedies range from chiropractic and dietary adjustments, to simple "left brain" exercises to unleash creativity. They even include changes to a patient’s golf swing to enhance performance and minimize discomfort.
A visit with the unabashedly compassionate Jensen often leads to conversations about "getting your ‘chi’ flowing."
Occasionally, Jensen treats a "mystery" patient who is suffering from a malady that traditional medicine has not been able to resolve. She relishes such cases.
"Troubleshooting – that’s what I like," Jensen said.
Traditional doctors have even come to Jensen for treatment.
"Some of them ask that their name not be announced in the waiting room," she said with a smile.
Indeed, the traditional medical establishment has been slow to embrace alternative care, but that is changing, Jensen said, as more health care insurance policies are covering wellness programs, with the notion that prevention is cheaper than the cure.
"Our focus is to help the whole person," Jensen said.

Dec. 20, 2002 Small Business Times, Milwaukee

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