Lisa Reardon
president, chief executive officer and chairman, OwnersEdge Inc.
“OwnersEdge is a fast-growing company, so our culture is naturally intense and complicated. As a leader, it’s my job to sense when stress is escalating, impart a sense of calm, plane people out and manage them through the situation. I’ve also found that humor helps everyone keep their perspective and reduces tension.”

Frank Carroll
CEO, Broan-NuTone Inc.
“The most obvious is a disciplined workout schedule which gives me confidence and physiological benefits. I surround myself with confident, competent, data-driven team members who help ‘size’ the issues. Staying grounded by asking ‘How bad is it – really?’ helps me to be a better leader, manager and even family member.”

Katie Wysocki
general manager and managing partner, Devon’s Seafood + Steak
“I remind myself daily to embrace pressure and intensity, understanding the positive results they can produce when properly applied. The most beautiful things are often the result of the refinement of difficult circumstances.”

Cathy Costantini
co-founder, La Lune Collection
“Anyone who owns a business knows that every single day will present a variety of problems that need solving – it simply comes with the territory. The fact that my business partner is also my spouse helps me keep perspective in tough times. Being able to discuss difficulties with someone who understands both me AND the business completely is an incredible gift.”

Pastor Kenneth Fisher
president, Wisconsin Lutheran High School
“I refocus my attention on my faith and the mission and vision of Wisconsin Lutheran High School. When I do that, my perspective returns. Oftentimes, I’ll stand in the hallway, watching the kids go by. Doing that reenergizes me and reminds me it’s about educating a future generation of Christian young men and women.”