Construction of Bucks arena halfway complete

Roof enclosure underway [PHOTO GALLERY]

The new Milwaukee Bucks arena in downtown Milwaukee continues to take shape as construction progresses with the outer bowl nearly finished and the roof enclosure underway.

The media had a chance to tour the construction site Friday to get a look at the progress.

Tour guide, Milwaukee Bucks President Peter Feigin, said even though he walks through the site daily, the progress is still surreal for him.

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The $524 million arena is set to open in time for the Bucks’ 2018-19 season.

One of Feigin’s favorite parts: the main entrance off the atrium, which will open onto Fourth Street, where a public plaza will be the city’s meeting place, he said.

“This will be home to three large buildings all based on food and entertainment,” Feigin said. “We’ll have concerts, festivals and shows.”

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Feigin also took questions about mega manufacturer Foxconn’s plans to open a plant in southeastern Wisconsin and what that could mean for the Bucks. He said when he heard about Foxconn he ran with Governor Scott Walker to meet with representatives and has been talking about partnerships “at all levels” with Foxconn, including a possible naming rights deal for the new arena.

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