Concealed carry law needs more restrictions

Once again, I am stating my opposition to the concealed carry legislation under consideration in the State Legislature. Governor Scott Walker’s publicly stated preference for training and permits, and the added provision for a permit database, helped improve this bad legislation, but we still have a long way to go. I am calling on Governor Walker to go further with more restrictions in hopes the Legislature will again follow his lead. It’s imperative that public facilities in Milwaukee County be exempted. Concealed weapons should also be restricted in places like taverns, hospitals, child care centers, and churches.

Allowing concealed weapons would be problematic for Milwaukee County, which has many dynamics. In the past week alone, we have had a number of violent deaths. This would only be exacerbated by an irresponsible gun policy like this.

Allowing concealed weapons onboard Milwaukee County Transit System buses; in the main terminal of General Mitchell International Airport; and in our parks, zoo, museums and mental health complex is particularly troublesome. These are all places where families expect to be safe.

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If this legislation is ultimately adopted, it must include extreme penalties for people who violate the law. We must have stiff penalties for those who illegally carry guns or buy guns for felons. This is a serious issue. People’s lives are at stake here. Let’s keep our men, women and children out of harm’s way by passing responsible policies that address how dangerous weapons injure and kill people.

Milwaukee County Supervisor Eyon Biddle Sr. is the lead sponsor of a resolution approved by Milwaukee County Board to oppose concealed carry legislation in Wisconsin.

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