City of Milwaukee releases draft plan for zoning code changes

An overhaul of Milwaukee’s zoning code is one step closer to reality.

Following a year-long planning process, the City of Milwaukee has released the draft plan for the Growing MKE initiative, which aims to encourage housing growth and choice throughout the city through a series of zoning code changes.

This includes permitting duplexes; triplexes; accessory dwelling units, which are self-contained residences located on a property that has a separate, primary residence; and cottage courts, or a group of small detached structures arranged around a shared courtyard; in addition to single family homes on all residentially-zoned lots in the city.

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Currently, 40% of residentially zoned lots in Milwaukee only allow for single-family homes.

Growing MKE would also reduce barriers to the development of mixed-use transit-oriented development on commercial and transit corridors.

“I’ve made no secret of my goal to grow Milwaukee’s population,” Mayor Cavalier Johnson said. “The Growing MKE plan will reduce barriers to the development of new homes and encourage the creation of a range of housing choices in every neighborhood in the city.”

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The Department of City Development says it conducted community engagement and analysis to develop the Growing MKE Plan, including engaging a consultant team with expertise on housing and zoning, convening multiple working groups of housing and community stakeholders, and engaging with more than 1,000 residents throughout the city.

The Growing MKE Plan will be presented to the City Plan Commission and the City of Milwaukee Common Council this summer for adoption as part of the city’s comprehensive plan.

After the adoption of the Growing MKE Comprehensive Plan amendment, DCD staff will begin to prepare updates to the zoning code to implement the recommendations of Growing MKE for consideration by the Common Council. Future Common Council action would be required to enact any updates to the city’s zoning code.

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