Children’s Hospital announces bullying education and prevention resource

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Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin announced a new, online bullying education and prevention resource for parents, provides parents with valuable information and effective strategies, including:
* What to do if your child is being bullied or is bullying others
* What is cyberbullying and sexual harassment and how to respond
* How to contact your child’s school regarding bullying situations
* What laws are in place regarding bullying
* How to build your child’s resiliency

- Advertisement - supports the existing Act Now! student curriculum and school staff training. The e-learning student curriculum and the staff training component help schools battle bullying by empowering bystanders and improving school climate. Act Now! for students and staff currently is offered at no cost to Wisconsin schools. During the 2012-13 school year, more than 31,000 students, representing over 100 school districts, participated statewide.

“Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin is committed to keeping kids healthy and safe,” said Bridget Clementi, director, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Community Health. “That’s why we created Act Now! bullying prevention e-learning courses. Our research proves Act Now! is effective in producing positive changes in knowledge, attitude and behavior and improving school climate. Parents have asked for strategies to help their children avoid being bullied or prevent them from bullying others. This new resource for parents of school-age children from K4 through high school will be a valuable tool in helping to reduce bullying, making schools safer and ensuring that children will feel safe so they can learn.”

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