Real Estate
In addition to these stories, check out our real estate data tool for agricultural, commercial, manufacturing, and multi-family real estate transactions over the past 30 days.
Real estate people in the news
Brookfield-based Shorewest Realtors recently added Ted Burton as a sales agent in its Delavan office.Oconomowoc-based MSI General Corp. recently...
Real estate deals of the week
Briggs & Stratton Port Washington facility is sold. Harken purchases land for new headquarters.
Make plans to attend the annual BizTimes Commercial Real Estate Conference
The sixth annual BizTimes Commercial Real Estate & Development Conference will held from 7:30-9:30 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 14, at the Italian Community Center in Milwaukee.
Kenosha apartment project to receive brownfield grant
Silverstone Partners Inc. will receive a $409,500 Blight Elimination and Brownfield Redevelopment (BEBR) grant from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce to help it redevelop an unoccupied and underutilized property in Kenosha County.
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State providing industrial revenue bond allocation for Derse
Derse Inc. will receive a $4.175 million industrial revenue bond allocation from the state of Wisconsin.
Pabst Farms breaks ground on condos
A groundbreaking ceremony was held Tuesday to celebrate the start of construction of the Village Crossing Condominiums in the Pabst Farms development.
Harley museum opens this weekend
The new Harley-Davidson Museum opens this weekend at the east end of the Menomonee River Valley.
Real estate resources
Building Owners and Managers Association Certified Commercial Investment Members ...