C.H. Coakley, based in Milwaukee, is encouraging area businesses to participate in the Hunger Task Force’s annual Food For Families Food Drive by offering its own food drive initiative, Dinner on the Mayflower.
C.H. Coakley’s drive, in its fourth year, provides companies moving and coordinating services to make food collection an easier process. The company will drop off food collection barrels to area organizations interested in participating. The business management solutions firm will also pick the barrels back up using their Mayflower trucks.
To participate, businesses can contact event coordinator Lazelle Thomas-Connors at lazelle.thomas-connors@chcoakley.com or at 414-372-7000. Food barrels will be distributed Oct. 25 and picked back up Nov. 15.
“We make this food drive fun and practically effortless for participating companies,” said C.H. Coakley managing partner Michael Coakley. “Every business ought to be involved with this.”
The Food for Families Food Drive is collecting nonperishable donations with food barrels stationed at companies, schools and grocery stores throughout the city. Collections will benefit 60 food pantries in the greater Milwaukee area and 20 soup kitchens and homeless shelters in Milwaukee County. The drive runs through Dec. 31. For more information, visit http://www.hungertaskforce.org/.