Brighter12 start-up company launches interactive website

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Brighter12, a Milwaukee-based start-up company, has launched its website to assist 12-step program participants in recovering from their addictions through interactive online tools.

After a soft website launch in November, the company is officially marketing its Web application, which is designed for people struggling with a range of addictions from drugs and alcohol to overeating and gambling.

“I’m trying to make my text and curriculum generic for any kind of addiction,” said Brighter12 founder Cindy Rahm.

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“Typically the roots of the issues can be uncovered using the same process,” Rahm said.

While Brighter12 is not officially affiliated with any of the 12-step programs, it acts a supplementary service for people working through the 12-step process.

As a recovering alcoholic and past participant of the 12-step program, herself, Rahm said the kinds of tools she sought while engaged in the 12-step process weren’t available online.

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And with a background in designing computer systems, Rahm is uniquely prepared to be able to create a program like this, she said.

She partnered with Milwaukee organizations Manifesto, Innovation in Milwaukee, and Spreenkler Creative in developing the website in different phases for about a year.

Behind the company is the slogan, “your journey from broken to brighter.”

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“That’s because when you’re coming from the perspective of your addiction, you’re feeling like everything is coming out of control and you literally feel like a broken person,” Rahm said. “And so working through the 12 steps can give you hope and a brighter outlook on life that you never even imagined you could have.”

With a $10 per month subscription cost, the Web application offers users online journaling and a question and answer workbook among other tools. While the application currently functions with generic language for addictions, Rahm looks to create specific activities and tools to cater to different addictions in the future as well as implement foreign languages into the application to serve a broader base of addicts.

Rahm, who aims to expand her business globally within three years, hopes her tools help individuals struggling with addiction tackle the 12-step program in smaller chunks that are easier to organize and manage emotionally.

“What I hope they’re able to do is be less intimidated with some of the hard work that is done in the 12-step program,” Rahm said.

Brighter12 was incorporated as a start-up company in October 2011 and is located at the Hudson Business Lounge, 310 E. Buffalo St. in Milwaukee. For more information, visit

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