Home Authors Posts by Steve Jagler, for BizTimes Media

Steve Jagler, for BizTimes Media

Steve Jagler, for BizTimes Media
Steve Jagler, former BizTimes Milwaukee editor.

Lasry vows to pursue ‘a level of excellence’

Wearing deck shoes and khaki pants, with his sleeves rolled up, sans socks or a tie, you wouldn't have guessed that Marc Lasry was the billionaire in the room, much less the new co-owner of the Milwaukee Bucks.

Tiering would end net neutrality

The Internet as we know it may be on the verge of changing.

Paragon Awards honor best PR campaigns

For years, press releases trickled in to BizTimes from various public relations agencies who won various Paragon Awards Southeastern Wisconsin chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).

Get to know the millennials

To many of my colleagues in the baby boomer generation, the rising generation of millennials is a mystery.

Buffett could covet Wisconsin utilities

Could Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Energy Corp. or Madison-based Alliant Energy Corp. become takeover targets for renowned investor Warren Buffett?

Invest in yourself by attending BizExpo

If you're like most executives I know these days, you're spending way too much time working IN your business, rather than working ON your business.

‘Be bold, be brave, be strong and move forward!’

When Harry S. Dennis III walked into the room, more often than not, he was the smartest guy in that room.

Lovell leaves strong legacy at UWM

After a national search, Marquette University decided that the best candidate to be its next president was sitting in an office five miles across town.

Sheboygan says ‘nein’ to Germany

Sheboygan-based Johnsonville Sausage LLC says it “as much amused as it is surprised” that the European Union, in negotiating the terms of a new trade deal with the United States, is pushing to trademark several different foods, including bratwurst, that have originated in an EU country.

Hank the Dog shares view from the luxury suite

BizTimes will publish “The Executive,” a special new supplement featuring Luxury Living, on April 28.

The bulls are in charge

On March 9, 2009, the U.S. stock market officially bottomed out when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by more than 673 points, closing at 6,547.05.

Hey Hank! Meet Frank!

By now, I'm sure you've heard about the Milwaukee Brewers' new little mascot for the 2014 season.

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