Melinda VerDuin

Connecting to Philanthropy: Would you create lasting change in the community to gain a tax credit?

Many Wisconsinites head south for more than the warmer weather; they are also looking for ways to reduce the tax burden on their wealth. With Wisconsinites and their wealth leaving the state, there are fewer funds available to invest in local communities.

Connecting to Philanthropy: Accomplishing individual philanthropic goals with meaningful contributions

Foundations are making an impact in the community – but did you know that giving by foundations is only 15 percent of total contributions made to nonprofits?

Connecting to Philanthropy: When a charity makes a profit, is your instinct to applaud or protest?

Dan Pallotta, a pioneering social entrepreneur, argues that the public’s mindset of the nonprofit sector needs to change.

Connecting to Philanthropy: Community collaborative tackles Milwaukee’s teen pregnancy rates

“Have a baby too young and it'll control your life” the ad reads. You may have seen these recent ads at bus shelters – they're designed to make teens think twice before becoming parents. The ad campaign (see image below) is the latest public awareness effort for Milwaukee's Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative, a collaborative effort led by United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County.

Connecting to Philanthropy: Grantmakers making strides to improve Milwaukee neighborhoods

“Milwaukee is a city built on neighborhoods,” remarked Ellen M. Gilligan, president and CEO of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation (GMF) in its Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative 2013 Community Impact Report. Milwaukee grantmakers are investing in initiatives to help strengthen Milwaukee neighborhoods and the greater community.

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