What’s your biggest fear In business?

Biz Compass

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Dave Wendland
Vice president – strategic relations, Hamacher Resource Group Inc.

“Although a terrific question, living in fear is never an option. Remaining aware of potential threats to any business is paramount, but hiding in the shadows waiting for disaster to strike is not wise. For me, my biggest concern is ensuring that the current ownership team is identifying and positioning high potential leaders to take the reins of the company into the future.”   


Amanda Baltz
Chief executive officer, Spaulding Medical LLC

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“Balancing our vision of being competitive tomorrow with the importance of delivering today.”


Katie Felten
Principal, Strategy House LLC

“My biggest fear in business is letting our people down, whether that be internal with our team or externally with our clients. I want us to be trustworthy and to always do what we say we are going to do. I want to be a company with integrity.”

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Edie Turnbull
Executive director, College Possible Milwaukee

“That our students won’t want to start their careers in Milwaukee once they’ve earned their bachelor’s degrees. I firmly believe our students can help change Milwaukee in a myriad of positive ways, but it can be challenging to convince them that the city wants and needs them.”   


Justin White
Partner, Design Fugitives

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“Several fears kept me stirring at night through the early years at Design Fugitives. After eight years, the thing I fear the most is losing the passion that pulls me out of bed each morning. Passion is contagious, it opens collaboration with clients and it reflects in our artwork!”

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