Potawatomi Bingo Casino launched the 2013 “Miracle on Canal Street” on Thursday and revealed the charity campaign’s 10 signature nonprofit organizations, selected individually by the charity program’s media partners.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of “Miracle on Canal Street,” the casino’s signature charity program. Since it was established in 1994, the program has generated $12.5 million for area nonprofit organizations devoted to enhancing quality of life for children throughout southeastern Wisconsin.
Dollars primarily come from special rounds of bingo games played by casino patrons from August through December. Last year’s “Miracle” initiative, which donated nearly $1 million to 30 area charities, added to funding efforts through the sale of special menu items at the casino’s six restaurants and through the sale of tickets for select shows in the casino’s annual Elvis Tribute Contest.
“This astonishing program has only gotten bigger and better during its 20 years of existence,” said Melanie Martin, Potawatomi Bingo Casino’s bingo director. “We look forward to celebrating two decades of helping area children in 2013 with a lot of fun, excitement, tears of joy and a few surprises. The charities announced today do spectacular work and provide much needed services to children and families in the area.”
In addition to the 10 signature charities that will receive funds in December, at least 10 other nonprofit organizations that provide resources and support to local youth will walk away from the program with funding. Those organizations will be selected randomly and announced in December at the conclusion of the 2013 “Miracle” program.
The 10 signature charities are:
*COA Youth & Family Centers, selected by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
*Milwaukee Public Museum, selected by Lamar Outdoor
*SHARP Literacy, selected by WITI Fox 6
*Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity, selected by Milwaukee Radio Alliance
*Hunger Task Force, selected by Milwaukee Radio Group
*Meta House, selected by Clear Channel Media + Entertainment
*Milwaukee Center for Independence, selected by WISN TV-12
*Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Wisconsin, selected by Clear Channel Outdoor
*Special Space-Wisconsin, selected by Journal Broadcast Group
*Walker’s Point Youth and Family Center, selected by OnMilwaukee.com
Potawatomi Bingo Casino has more information about each of its “Miracle” celebrations at www.paysbig.com/miracle.