The Bubbler Executive of the Week

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Carl Brown, president of Red Brown Kle’ in Milwaukee

Name: Carl Brown

Title: President

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Company: Red Brown Kle’ Marketing Communications

Company address: 840 North Old World Third Street

Company web site:

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Industry: Advertising and marketing

Education: B.A. in journalism and B.A. in sociology at University of Wisconsin in Madison; master’s degree in advertising at University of Texas in Austin.

Family:  Married

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Hobbies and Interests: Golf, teaching 

Favorite book and/or movie: Favorite book – “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen; favorite movie – "Quick Change" (a Bill Murray classic).

Favorite musician/band: Stevie Wonder (hands down)

Favorite place to visit/vacation: Anywhere in the Caribbean

Favorite local restaurant: Coerper’s 5 O’Clock Club ("It’s like dining in your grandmother’s basement, but the steaks are great!)

Words to live by: "Set your affections on the things above, not the things on earth." Colossians 3:2

What is your core philosophy for doing business? "Demand excellence of yourself and those around you, over deliver, remember the art of service and above all else do everything with integrity."

Who is your role model and why? "My father. I never met a man with more integrity, and I have met lots of people."

What was the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? "It is less funny than it is bizarre, but I feel like the Dr. Phil of airports. On numerous occasions I have had perfect strangers tell me their life stories (sometimes in great detail) and ask for advice while I have been in airports or on planes. I suppose I should take it as a compliment, but it is different."

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