A long-time South Milwaukee chiropractor is planning to build a new $1.4 million facility on vacant, city-owned land.

Dr. Steven Scheuing, owner of South Shore Family Chiropractic clinic at 1333 College Ave. wants to construct a one-story, 6,368-square-foot office building on the north side of the city.
The new building would be located at 1101-1115 College Ave., on vacant land that is currently owned by the city and a former auto body shop site that is currently owned by a private individual.
“My lease is up at the end of the year, and it has been my lifelong dream of owning my own property and location,” Scheuing said. “This is just all of the right combination of factors.”
Scheuing joined the staff of Potisk Chiropractic in 2002. After purchasing the business in 2009 from retiring Dr. Tom Potisk, he changed the name to South Shore Family Chiropractic. Today, the clinic employs three chiropractors and six staff members.
On Tuesday, the city plan commission set public hearings on a request to rezone the land from manufacturing to commercial and Scheuing’s offer to purchase the city-owned property for $75,000.
Scheuing also has a letter of intent to purchase the other, privately-owned parcel for an undisclosed amount.
The plan commission also discussed providing Scheuing up to $225,000 in city assistance from the existing tax incremental financing district that was created in 2000 by the city for the area the project would be built in.
“We’re still in the planning phase, but we’re very excited to get all of the i’s dotted and t’s crossed,” Scheuing said. “I’m hoping to be in the new building by the first of 2018.”