Screaming Tuna managers plan to buy business

Seeking MEDC loan for transaction

The current managers of Screaming Tuna Restaurant LLC, a restaurant serving sushi and Asian cuisine in Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point neighborhood, plan to buy the business.

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Jeff Bronstad and Cristian Vega, who are currently part owners of Screaming Tuna, are seeking a $240,000 loan from the Milwaukee Economic Development Corp. to buy the whole business and its assets.

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The restaurant, located at 106 W. Seeboth St., is 5,700 square feet and has 1,000 square feet of private walk out space adjacent to the main dining room. The value of the business and equipment is pegged at $484,000 in the MEDC loan application, meaning Bronstad and Vega would bring $244,000 to the transaction.

Screaming Tuna has 19 full-time and 39 part-time employees. The pair estimates within two years it will add another two full-time and 10 part-time employees.

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