Royal Basket Trucks, Inc.

2024 Future 50 Winner

Darien | Founded: 1982
Industry: Material handling, manufacturing
Employees: 175

Royal Basket Trucks manufactures material handling carts and containers designed for a variety of markets, including hospitality, health care, commercial laundry, education, property management, and warehousing and distribution.

What are the biggest obstacles to your company’s continued growth?

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Thomas Carney, president: “Rising costs of raw materials, health care and insurance costs continue to increase, interest rates remain high, and the availability of quality labor.”

Where do you see the most opportunities for your company to continue growing?

“Royal is focused on product improvement and new product development, which brings additional manufacturing capabilities into our operations. This initiative supports growth in key markets as part of our long-term strategy.”

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What’s new at your company and are you planning any major changes in the coming years?

“Royal is currently in the process of adding 27,000 square feet of additional manufacturing space. (We are) continuing to invest in equipment, people and relationships.”

What one thing would you change to make Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin better?

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“More affordable housing in Milwaukee/southeastern Wisconsin, would help foster the ability to have more employees in the manufacturing sector.”

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