president, Conklin Real Estate Services
Company: Conklin Real Estate Services, LLC
Title: President
Education: Bachelor’s degree in business administration, University of Richmond (Va.)
Family: Me and the Lord Jesus Christ
City of Residence: Downtown Milwaukee
Hobbies and Interests: "Outdoor sports, volunteer maintenance guy for various residential and commercial property owned by a nearby ministry. I co-own a get-away place in Kingston that is fun to recreate at."
What are you working on? "Various deals. I am a space hunter. My specialty is representing tenants and buyers with space and real estate needs. I coordinate the whole lease negotiation or renegotiation process for office, warehouse and retail tenants, many of whom also want to consider buying or constructing a building."
How does the market look to you? "Full. If I were a developer, I would be in a hurry to build a new multi-story Class A office space on the west and south sides of Milwaukee."
What was the best deal you’ve ever been involved in? "The one where my client said, ‘Bob, you really added value. We couldn’t have gotten all this without you.’ One attorney client said, ‘Bob, I don’t know how much you made working on our deal, but you earned every penny of it.’"
What was the funniest moment of your career? "When the GSA told our leasing team, ‘No, I’m sorry, Bob, it is past the deadline and therefore you are too late to submit a lower offer.’ It wouldn’t have been so funny if we had not been successful anyway in winning that big 20-year lease deal."