414-778-5800 | beyondvision.com
Instagram: @beyondvisionwi
X: @BeyondVision_WI
Year founded: 1903
Mission statement: Enrich the lives of people who are blind through the power of work valued by customers and the community.
Primary focus: Careers for people who are blind.
Other focuses: Offering outsource call center, machining, assembly, packaging and kitting services.
Number of employees: 110
Key donors: We Energies Foundation, Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation, Dr. Harry J. Heeb Foundation, Harri Hoffmann Family Foundation, Forest County Potawatomi
Executive leadership: Rob Buettner, president and CEO
Board of directors: Thomas E. Arenberg, Accenture (retired); Shawn Duffy, WTC Machinery; John Emanuel, Husch Blackwell LLP (retired); Eric Isbister, GenMet Corp.; Paul Lima, U.S. Army (retired); Burton Metz, Wangard Partners; Michael Chew, Mississippi Industries for the Blind; Art Serna, City on a Hill; Victoria Kubert, ATI; Kristin Clevenstine, Astellas Pharma US; Lise Pace, Bosma Enterprises; Rob Buettner, Beyond Vision
Is the organization actively seeking board members for the upcoming term? Yes
What roles is it looking to fill? Any
Ways the business community can help: Come for a tour to learn how we can take on your overflow work. We’d love to work with you.
Key fundraising events: Annual Shot in the Dark Golf Fundraiser – Sept. 5, 2025