Nominations sought for Notable Leaders in Sustainability feature

BizTimes Milwaukee is seeking nominations for its upcoming Notable Leaders in Sustainability feature.

Click here to nominate someone to be featured as one of the Notable Leaders in Sustainability in southeastern Wisconsin. The nomination deadline is Friday, Aug. 4.

Nominated leaders must be individuals who are balancing environmental and economic concerns within their organizations and/or industries. They must be currently employed at an organization in the southeastern Wisconsin area to qualify (Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Washington, Walworth and Sheboygan counties).

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Nominees also must be currently serving in a senior level role at their organization (three levels or fewer from the president or CEO).

The honorees will be featured in the Sept. 11, 2023 edition of the BizTimes Milwaukee magazine.

Notable Leaders in Sustainability is part of BizTimes Milwaukee’s Notable series, recognizing leaders in the southeastern Wisconsin business community.

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