The American Legion has chosen Milwaukee to host its national convention in 2022, which is expected to have an economic impact of $11.2 million on the area.

The convention will bring about 13,000 attendees to the Milwaukee area and account for 17,700 hotel room nights from Aug. 24 to Sept. 1, 2022.
“It was a real team effort to win this major convention business for Milwaukee,” said Paul Upchurch, VISIT Milwaukee president and chief executive officer. “The combination of the American Legion’s successful convention experience here in 2010, along with a great convention package and the promise of all the new development that will be in place by 2022, helped seal the deal for Milwaukee.”
This will be the fourth time Milwaukee has hosted The American Legion’s national convention. The other three times were in 1941, 2000 and 2010.
Visitors spent $3 billion at hotels, restaurants, retailers and attractions in the greater Milwaukee area in 2016, according to the latest numbers released from the Wisconsin Department of Tourism.