Notable Women in Law: Melinda Bialzik

Shareholder, Kohner, Mann & Kailas, S.C.

Melinda Bialzik grew up in Wisconsin, and returned to her roots after graduating from Harvard Law School. She has spent more than two decades in the legal industry focused primarily on trial and appellate representation of businesses and business leaders faced with critical litigation challenges.

She is experienced in all phases of the litigation process from investigation through discovery, motion practice and trial and appeal as well as alternative dispute resolution. She has successfully litigated trial and appellate cases in federal courts, in Wisconsin state courts, and also courts in other states.

In addition to her general trial and appellate litigation practice, she has represented railroads in a number of litigation actions, business owners with estate planning and trust and estate matters, as well as individuals in probate proceedings.

“Melinda is one of the best lawyers I’ve ever encountered,” said Ryan Billings, deputy chair of litigation at Glendale-based Kohner, Mann & Kailas. “She is brilliant, quick on her feet, insightful, persuasive, empathetic, and is able to drill down instantly to the nub of the issues. Her clients love her because she avoids the saber-rattling inherent in our industry and pursues results with ruthless efficiency. Judges respect her because she is always well prepared, with fingertip knowledge of the law and the record.”