Just a Minute with Michael Malatesta President, Advanced Waste Services

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Company address: 1126 S. 70th Street, Suite N408B, West Allis, WI 53214

Company Web site: www.advancedwasteservices.com

Industry: Industrial waste disposal and cleaning services

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Number of employees: 85

Company’s annual revenues:$20 million

Your education: Bachelor of arts degree in English from Dickinson College in Carlyle, Pa.

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Family: Wife: Jamy; daughters, Morgan and Rachael

What was the smartest thing your company did in the past yearω
“We created and implemented a quarterly goal-setting and goal-achieving process for every employee that we call The Elite Reward Program.”

What’s new at your companyω
“Lots of great ideas! I am very fortunate to be surrounded by talented colleagues who approach every day and every opportunity with passion to innovate and a desire to delivery outstanding results.”

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Do you plan to hire any additional staff or make any significant capital investments in your company in the next yearω
“Yes and yes. We will likely add five to 10 people to our company, primarily in our marketing and industrial services divisions. We’re also upgrading a large part of our truck fleet and building an interior/exterior truck and tanker wash system.”

What will be your company’s main challenges in the next yearω
“Integrating all of our divergent software applications into a single, Web-based management dashboard application. Coincidentally, this is our biggest opportunity as well.”

What’s the hottest trend in your industryω
“The hottest trend appears to be the re-lining of steel and aggregate constructed sewer lines. We’re trying to get our hands around that potential opportunity right now.”

Do you have a business mantraω
“We Transform Today’s Wastes Into Tomorrow’s Resources.” (Trademarked)

From a business standpoint, who do you look up toω
“My friend and partner, Butch Weiss, who left this world way too early. I look up to anyone who loves what they’re doing and uses all of their talents and capabilities to maximize their impact every day.”

What was the best advice you ever receivedω
“Always make your future bigger than your past, and focus on progress, not perfection.”

What’s the funniest thingthat ever happened to you in your careerω
“When I was still driving, I fueled the truck one night before returning to the yard. When I got back, I walked around the truck and discovered that I’d failed to remove the fuel dispenser before taking off. It was still sticking out of the tank. Oops!”

What do you like to do in your free timeω
“I enjoy reading business, self-improvement and autobiographical books, writing and just enjoying life.”

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