If you are dreading the time when you have to post something on social media, you’re probably doing something wrong. Posting on social media shouldn’t feel like a chore. It should be fun.
Just recently, our office took a picture of “Star Wars” characters “discussing their marketing plan,” tied a blog post to it, and posted it on social media. We showed personality, used (my) passion, and had fun creatively connecting “Star Wars” to marketing.

Here are some components that can help make your strategy more “fun,” but not at the expense of your business goals:
Be human
Social media is social. This means selectively engaging with others without self-promoting. People feel good when they are actively engaged and it can provide valuable feedback.
Delve into your creativity
Think outside the box and connect it back to your business. For example, ask your children what they think you do at work and capture their responses on video. I can guarantee there will be a few funny answers worth sharing.
Use your passion
You’re emotionally and personally invested in your business. Use that in your social media! People can tell when you are excited about something. Your biggest supporters will be those who know you love what you do.
Demonstrate some personality
Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Use your company brand and values as background to develop your online tone and voice. If it sounds wrong or forced, it probably is.
Remember, if you’re not excited about your social media, others won’t be either. Make “fun” a part of your strategy and may the Force be with you.
-Jacob Werre is an assistant account executive at Brookfield-based The Ritterbusch Group.