Real Estate
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Real estate resources
Building Owners and Managers Association Certified Commercial Investment Members ...
Real estate people in the news
Milwaukee-based Equity Commercial Real Estate LLC recently hired Anthony Stevens as a vice president.
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EPIC Creative moving to downtown West Bend
West Bend-based Epic Creative, an advertising agency and production company, plans to move its headquarters from a building on the city's south side to a new facility downtown.
Milwaukee may create TIF district northwest of downtown for housing
Milwaukee Ald. Robert Bauman is sponsoring a resolution to create a tax incremental financing (TIF) district northwest of downtown to spur housing development.
Groundbreaking ceremony planned for another Kenosha distribution center
A groundbreaking ceremony will be held in Kenosha on June 27, to celebrate the start of construction for a 587,710-square-foot distribution center.
Uline HQ construction to begin this summer
Pleasant Prairie officials recently approved preliminary site and operational plans for mass grading at the future site of Uline Inc.'s corporate headquarters.