Deb Bristoll-Weis, President / CEO
Engineered Plastics Corporation
Menomonee Falls, Wi
What does your daily or weekly fitness regime consist of?
"Typically weight lifting 2x/week plus cardio 2x/week; however, due to a minor injury, I’ve been limited to stationary bike 3x/week."
Other than the obvious health benefits, how has being fit improved your life?
"Working out is a great way for me to relieve stress as well as keep my cholesterol in line. I am a happier person when I maintain an active lifestyle. My husband and I enjoy the outdoors and love to cut and haul wood that we will use to heat our home through an outdoor wood boiler. What could be better than staying fit and saving precious energy resources?"
How does personal fitness affect your work life?
"It keeps my stress level down and I’m happier as a person. It also allows me to enjoy playing with employee children at our company functions."
Do you have a corporate health or wellness initiative?
How does fitness or wellness affect your overall organization?
"It improves our quality of life. We also received a significant consideration on our upcoming (April 2007)health insurance renewal from Humana."
What advice do you have for other executives interested in starting either a personal fitness plan or corporate wellness initiative?
"Just start! If you’ve never worked out at a gym before, hire a personal trainer to get you started. Recognize and accept that if you need a buddy to keep you motivated initially, keep the trainer. Commit that you will allocate a percentage of your employee benefit budget dedicated to wellness. You will realize the payback when on your first health risk appraisal you help someone learn they are in early stages of diabetes and they can do something about it. Insurance companies have taken notice and you will very quickly begin to see cost avoidance on your renewal premium."