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Tom Snyder

Tom Snyder

Do Donald Trump and Bill Penzey have something in common?

"Never discuss religion or politics." Great advice for keeping the peace at family gatherings and a generally accepted principle for most corporate social media marketing...

Three reasons your social media efforts are failing

There are no guarantees that social media will succeed for your business or organization. But if it's not delivering the results you had hoped for, here are three possible reasons why:

Create your own social communities

When marketing decision makers are asked about social media, most think of Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and the other popular public platforms. Immediately, they...

Many businesses take advantage of Pinterest

Pop Quiz: After Google, what is the second most popular search engine? If you said Yahoo! or Bing, you're typical but not correct. The right answer is YouTube! More people use YouTube's search to find what they're looking for than use Bing, Yahoo!, Ask and AOL combined!

‘The noise before defeat’ 

For years, clients have been asking me if they needed to get on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and Google Plus. Now everyone's asking about Pinterest. My answer has never changed: “Don't even think about any of them until you define your strategy.”

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