Dan Steininger is the president and founder of BizStarts. He is also the president of Steininger & Associates. The firm focuses on teaching the tools of innovation to drive growth for companies in all sectors of the economy. Steininger is a former president and CEO of Catholic Financial Life and a graduate of Marquette University and Boston University's School of Law.
Innovate or die
In 1985, the board of directors of Apple Computer summarily forced co-founder and chairman Steve Jobs out of the...
Innovate or Die
If you want to run a company that drives new revenue from innovation, the source of most new revenues,...
Innovate or Die
What’s the secret formula successful entrepreneurs use to scale their companies to a national or even international level from...
Innovate or Die
Companies can deteriorate and die if they don’t innovate. But so can governments, as did the Roman, Greek, French...
Innovate or Die
Mention a moving company and immediately the image of a musclebound hunky male inevitably comes to mind. Don’t most...
Innovate or die
Harry Selfridge, founder of the iconic Selfridges department store in London, was born in Ripon, Wisconsin. He cut his...
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Innovate or Die
Who likes to be criticized?
We don’t like getting criticism and most people feel uncomfortable giving it. It takes us...
Innovate or die: Derse Inc.’s smarter approach to face-to-face marketing
Trade shows. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. Many companies simply go through the motions, thinking they...
Innovate or Die: Understand your customers’ decision-making process
You probably wouldn’t guess that someone who grew up on a rural Nebraska pig farm would be an ideal...
Innovate or die: Are you swimming in the wrong ocean?
Are you in a market where the biggest players control the majority of the market and the remaining 25 percent is split between wide varieties of companies like yours?